
January 9, 2017

Empress Eugenie of France's Meander Tiara

Empress Eugenie France Meander Greek Key Tiara Bapst
Creation:  This tiara was made by Bapst in 1867.  It was the third in a series of meander tiaras made by Bapst for Empress Eugenie.  The first two tiaras were made in 1856 and 1864 and had the Regent Diamond placed in the center and then on top of the tiara, before being completely removed in the 1867 version.

Materials:  612 diamonds totaling 320 carats
Empress Eugenie France Meander Greek Key Tiara Bapst Regent
1856 version
Empress Eugenie France Meander Greek Key Tiara Bapst Regent
Empress Eugenie in the 1864 version

  1. Empress Eugénie of France; as consort of Napoleon III beginning in 1853 until her exile in 1870
  2. French State Treasury; the tiara was kept at Brest, France from 1870 to 1872 along with the rest of the crown jewels and then moved to a vault at the Ministry of Finance, it was displayed at the 1878 Exposition Universelle and at the Musée du Louvre in 1884
  3. Germain Bapst; the tiara was sold at auction with the rest of the crown jewels in May 1887 by the French Third Republic for 131,500 francs

  • Does this tiara still exist intact?